Dating Nov 27, 2023

Latin, Asian or European girls — what should you know?

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Have you ever dreamed about dating a Latin girl? Or go sexting with Asian girl? I think every man has thought about beautiful foreign women at least once. So, being a true man, I decided to do a small research on around 15 adult dating sites discovering where and how to meet a foreign girl on the example of Latin, Asian and European, how to impress any of her and how men can reach everything they want with them.

Let me introduce myself

I’m your humble servant named Tony, who has caught some hype on his previous blogs with such impressive headings as “I spent 200 hours on dating sites and here is what I found” and “How to get nudes? Step by step guide by professional”.
The idea of this research came to me when I had Latin, Asian and European women as chat-mates during one long day. I noticed that all of them had kind of the same problems, but perceptive them in different ways. That is why one evening I turned on my laptop and started my journey across such dating sites as Mirrorname, Mirrorname, Mirrorname and Mirrorname. These 4 I chose to start with and, to be honest, they turned out to be the best.

Here is what I found out…

Once dating online It is helpful to have a general awareness of some nuances. How not to go crazy with the charisma of the Latins, how to get nudes from Asians, who are all borderline fetishists, and how to pick up Europeans who are actually the best for marriage (if, of course, there are such diamond seekers among you). Read below about this and a little more.  SO..

Starting with Hot Latino Girls

Latins are known to be the hot-minded ones whose energy you feel in every single letter. Yeah, it’s the truth I can confirm by myself. Had some hot chats with latinas which ended up like that:

However, as it turned out in a chat on Mirrorname with one of such girls, they also have a lot of other things to be concerned about.

Latino Passion and expression

Latin girls are often known for their passionate nature. But what is more important is to appreciate and reciprocate this enthusiasm in a respectful manner. What do I mean? Talking shortly: Be as horny as she is😅

To make some good connections with a latin you should treat her well and, as strange as it may sound, adjust to her properly: they may express themselves emotionally and energetically but you have to make a clever response to it. Here is my example from chat on Mirrorname:

Be sure, flirting with Latins will be an unbelievable experience. Do not lose your head from the amount of passion in the chat))

Language barriers VS Flirt

There is a popular stereotype that Latinas don’t know any English and barely understand it. To some extent, as I discovered, it’s true. Knowing a bit of Spanish or Portuguese would be a great way to show interest. Or at least you can try to use Google translate as I did🤣🤣 Worked perfectly, although, I think, I had some mistakes LOL.

But to be honest it is not a big problem while chatting with them. COME ON: do you really think what she says while sexting? All the man thinks at this moment is how will he treat her with his stick🤣.

Hot family life with Latina

Imagine what happens when you combine a hot mind and family life? Right: hot family life. That is the thing which I came to in a chat with Maria, a beautiful Brazilian woman. I don’t really understand how but after flirting and even virt we came to such topic as family life. Probably, she was interested in me, sorry if I broke your heart, dear. 
Anyway, I discovered a lot from that conversation. Relationships are the thing that Latinas consider the most important in their lives, so, if you’re looking for it – consider the Latin girl. Your life will definitely not be boring, hot and full of emotions.

Where to look for them?

I’ve come across a lot of different online platforms, but, in my opinion, the best dating sites to meet latinas are:

  1. Mirrorname
  2. Mirrorname 
  3. Mirrorname.

Why? The answer is quite simple: there are a lot of them to meet on these platforms.

Moving to Asian Girls

When it comes to online dating with Asian girls, you have to be extremely careful because any regular word to you can hurt the girl and push her away from talking to you. I’ve burned myself many times on it because my horny side doesn’t work properly with asians’ mentality.

Here is only one of my fails among many…Yeah, I’m a jerk, but why are you so rude😢😢😢

Some things below I’ve noticed about asians. I used Mirrorname, Mirrorname, Mirrorname and Mirrorname to meet them. Must say that these sites are all good and worth trying. 

Fetishes addiction

Many Asian cultures place a high value on “saving face,” which means avoiding public embarrassment or preserving one’s dignity. That means that Asian girls will be really careful and restrained in a chat. And that is why you have to respond the same to earn her trust because once she fully trusts you – she will show her true personality.

AND BELIEVE ME, after it they can compete with Latinas in passion. Basically, as I discovered, they are the same women as all around the globe. To be honest, sexting with Asian girl was one of the best experiences in my life. The way she thought was hot, the way she talked was tempting, THE WAY SHE MOVED was just impressive. It made me finish my job really quickly🤣Just have a look on only one thing thatI received as a prize in a chat with Asian girl.👑

They all look young

MA FRIEEENDS, after such a hot intro to Asians I already miss chats with them. But we have to move on. The next thing I want to point out is the way they look. THEY LITERALLY DO NOT GET OLDER. You can easily date a 40+ single woman not knowing about it without looking into her passport. To be honest, it can be either an advantage or a trap for you, depends on who you are and what you look for. Here are just some examples of such Asians:

Modesty and Humility are important?

Asian cultures often value modesty and humility. Avoiding boastful behavior and showing appreciation for their accomplishments in a humble manner is appreciated. That is the case where you really can win the prize using only your good manners and intelligence. I’ll prove you it below, you’re watching a master at work:

European Sweet Girls

Europe is a continent brimming with diverse cultures, languages, and histories. My talks with European girls were incredibly enriching experiences, as they offer a wide array of perspectives, traditions… and also hidden desires😏. Here are some detailed insights I’ve mentioned with them.

The way they communicate. Best for marriage?

It is well-known that Europeans can be more gullible in their communication style compared to other regions. They are honest with their wishes, for example, some of them directly hinted at gifts to continue our chat, many of them acted like queens whom I had to please. But the thing is that they did it all without any *secrecy*. I mean you don’t really need to solve puzzles to understand what the woman wants. And I think that’s beautiful…

To be honest, I was really surprised by how much they differ even compared to Americans. At some point I perceived it as stupidity, but with time I realized that it is all about the way they live: everybody trusts everyone. Here are just some examples I made to test them:

Basically you can easily make a fool of any of them asking for personal information, but better not do this.🤣
But there is another side of this coin: it’s easy to get on with them. Even for unconfident and inexperienced ones. At this point almost everyone from Europe on this sites is open and kind to you. No matter what nationality you are, color or race – you will always be able to find somebody cool for you from Europe. I also thought that my profile on European oriented sites will be unpopular but it came out that a lot of them are searching for an American man to date with. Considering this fact, I can say that they are perfect for creating some mature relationships ending up in weddings.

So, if you are not confident in yourself for 100% or searching for something serious,  you can try dating sites for Europeans, such as Mirrorname, Mirrorname or Mirrorname. These 3 I used for my research and I really enjoyed them all.

Women’s elegance

Many Americans know European women as elegant queens. And I can tell you that this is true. They really know their worth and look more expensive than all the diamonds in this world. And now imagine, dimmed light, she is all so beautiful in her red dress… and all yours. Arousing, isn’t it?

European women make you feel like a multimillionaire whose girlfriend is his beloved queen. You literally just do not understand how fast you can fall for her. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about as I felt the same and lost his mind from one like that. Just look at the photo I received one day. Pure beauty.

Cultural Diversity matters this time

Some bla-bla-bla of boring theory: As you all know Europe is home for various nations, not only for directly European. So, be careful with what you ask and say because you never know who she is and who her relatives are, so one bad joke can deny all the efforts taken before. Of course, this was mentioned not for adding some more text: it’s all about my one more fail, when I was telling her a story from my life😞😞

Take a look at her profile, she’s French, but I COULDN’T IMAGINE THAT SHE’S HALF JEWISH

General Tips for Interacting with Girls from Any Background:

As we are done with nationalities for now, I would like to introduce some more points briefly that I think are universal for any country or continent:

  • Open-mindedness: Be open to learning and experiencing new things without judgment or preconceived notions.
  • Respect Personal Boundaries: Treat each person as an individual and be mindful of their comfort levels with physical contact, personal questions, etc.
  • Active Listening: Show genuine interest in what they have to say, and ask questions to learn more about their experiences and perspectives.

What are the best dating platforms I found out?

Phew, I think you all are already fed up with my advice so I think it is the best time to finish at this point😅😅. But before I would like to present my Top Best dating platforms for every region.

Mirrorname – Latino Hotties heaven
On this platform I found out the best response rate among any other platforms available in Latin America. And being honest with you, there are a lot of really hot girls there!

Mirrorname – Best practice for Asian Lovers 
Though Asian girls are really shy and closed to some extent, they are fond of different platforms for communication. This one is the most popular and so has a lot of users to choose from. 

Mirrorname – Place to find your European girlfriend
As you may understand, the term “best” is used for a reason. It has the biggest number of verified users among any others popular in Europe. That is why you will definitely know to whom you are talking at the moment. 

To sum up this story..

While these insights provide a starting point for understanding girls from Latin, Asian, and European backgrounds, it’s important to remember that every individual is unique. The key lies in approaching each person with respect, curiosity, and a willingness to learn from their experiences and perspectives. This way, you can foster genuine connections based on mutual understanding and appreciation.

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About Tony

Tony Harrison

My name is Tony Harrison. I am a former military who recently entered his 5th decade. I was married twice in my life and lived half of it in relations. However, my career has always been a priority for me, so in both cases my marriages ended in divorce.

Why do I write about dating sites? To tell you the truth, this is where I found myself after all the attempts to be a great husband, so I do have a HUGE experience of more than 10 years on such platforms.

One day I thought: Why not share it with others?

By the numbers
10+ Years of Experience with Dating Platforms
> 500 Number of Successful Matches Facilitated
5+ Years of Cultural Studies and Research